



The festival will run from 22 to 25 September 2023. Gates will open at 12:00pm on Friday 22 September.

The festival will run from 20 to 23 September 2024. Gates will open at 12:00pm on Friday 20 September.

We ask that everyone leaves the festival grounds by 12:00pm on Monday 23 September, however, the absolute latest you can leave the festival grounds is 4:00pm on Monday 23 September. Please plan your journey home so that we can all arrive home safely. Make sure that you have enough rest and arrange for someone to be your designated driver. Monday is available for you to take your time to pack up your camp and assure you have had enough sleep and rest to drive home.

Blossom Festival is located in the South West Region of Western Australia within the Shire of Boddington, approximately 1.5 hours drive from Perth. The exact location of the festival will be revealed the week before the event and will be sent via email to all ticket holders.

The gates will open at 12pm on 20 September. Gates will close for entry to the festival at 6pm on Sunday 22 September, exit will still be permitted at this time.

Gates will also be closed in the early hours of the morning to discourage vehicle movements through the site at these hours and to encourage safe driving.

Gates will be closed each night as follows:

  • Saturday 21 September (Friday night) – 12am to 8am
  • Sunday 22 September (Saturday night) – 12am to 8am
  • Sunday 22-23 September (Sunday night) – 6pm to 8am


Please do not arrive to the festival between the hours that the gates are closed. Should you need to leave the event whilst gates are closed, you will need to contact event staff at Blossom HQ for assistance.

The program for entertainment will be released on the week of the event. The below times act as a guide for entertainment times, however may vary slightly once the program is released.

Music begins on Friday generally around 4:00pm. There are two main stages, only one of the main stages will be open on Friday night. The music will finish around 3am, on the main stages each night. Music will continue on a smaller stage until 6am at a low volume facing away from the camping area, to reduce disturbance for people resting.


Blossom Festival is a camping event so you will be required to bring everything that you need to stay comfortable over the duration of your stay. Blossom Festival will provide drinking water and toilet facilities, however, it is also advised to bring backup supplies to save you the journey.

Some of the items that we recommend bringing are as follows:

  • Warm cloths – it can get very cold at night, like really cold, consider thermals
  • Rain jacket
  • Closed-in footwear – consider boots or water resistant footwear
  • Sleeping bag / doonas – consider multiple rugs as it gets very cold at night
  • Pillow
  • Sunscreen
  • Toilet paper (for backup)
  • Drinking Water (allow minimum 2L per day per person)
  • Food & Snacks
  • Esky / Cooler with Ice (block ice recommended to last the weekend)
  • Torch / Head Torch
  • Camping chair
  • Shade for camp
  • Medications / Pain Killers
  • Basic First Aid Kit
  • Earplugs (personal preference)
  • Chocks for your vehicle/trailers
  • Doof Stick (personal preference – jokes/memes encouraged)

Blossom Festival is a camping event so you will be required to bring everything that you need to stay comfortable over the duration of your stay. Blossom Festival will provide drinking water and toilet facilities, however, it is also advised to bring backup supplies to save you the journey.

Some of the items that we recommend bringing are as follows:

  • Warm cloths – it can get very cold at night, like really cold, consider thermals
  • Rain jacket
  • Closed-in footwear – consider boots or water resistant footwear
  • Sleeping bag / doonas – consider multiple rugs as it gets very cold at night
  • Pillow
  • Sunscreen
  • Toilet paper (for backup)
  • Drinking Water (allow minimum 2L per day per person)
  • Food & Snacks
  • Esky / Cooler with Ice (block ice recommended to last the weekend)
  • Torch / Head Torch
  • Camping chair
  • Shade for camp
  • Medications / Pain Killers
  • Basic First Aid Kit
  • Earplugs (personal preference)
  • Chocks for your vehicle/trailers
  • Doof Stick (personal preference – jokes/memes encouraged)

We expect that everyone use common sense when deciding what to bring to the festival. Your vehicle may be searched on entry and any prohibited items will be confiscated and will need to be collected at the end of the event. If we find anything illegal or what we believe may cause harm to others, you will be referred to the Police.

The following items are prohibited at the event:

  • Illicit drugs
  • Weapons (of any sort)
  • Drug paraphernalia
  • Any Glass
  • Fireworks / Explosives
  • Open flame gas cookers
  • Burn barrels & fire wood

Being held in spring, the weather can be unpredictable. However, as the event is towards the end of September, we generally experience nice sunny days and it can get quite hot, so bring sunscreen, however you should always prepare for rain.

Blossom Festival is notorious for getting very cold at night, past events have been particularly cold at night, degrees in the low single digits, so bring multiple layers and multiple versions of them in case anything gets wet. Also bring extra bedding so you can get snug at night.

There will be a designated camping area which you will be directed to on arrival. We ask that you follow the instructions of the festival staff, as they direct you to your camping area. We appreciate that people like to camp with their friends and not everyone will arrive at the same time. However, should camping space fill up, you may be directed to a different area.

Please be mindful of others when securing the space you require for your campsite, festival staff will discuss your group size and provide you with the allowable space, please respect these instructions. Although we run a fairly intimate event, the limitations of the property require campsite spaces to be limited to assure we can fit everyone in comfortably. We try to allow enough space for groups to provide communal shade areas, however please endeavour not to be too excessive with the space you take up. Be prepared for others to camp with or near you if spaces begin to fill up, be friendly to your neighbours they usually turn out to be a good time.

The campgrounds are on a very mild slop. This is generally comfortable for sleeping arrangements, however in the interest of your safety vehicles will be required to be parked in specific ways in your campsite to avoid the risk of vehicles rolling into tents. Wheel chocks are very much recommended for additional safety precautions. Please refer to our Camping Page for more details.

The camping area is demarcated with an internal road system. All camping must be within the designated areas and the internal road system shall not be blocked or obstructed at any time. Your vehicle may be removed at your cost if found to be causing an obstruction. Unfortunately, camping under the trees is not permitted due to the safety risk of falling branches. Anyone that is found camping in the trees, will be require to move their camp. So please follow instructions of the event staff and stick to the designated camping area.

In an effort to assure that as many groups can camp together in their chosen location, we have a group camping registration process, available from our Camping Page.  Please refer to our Camping Page for more campsite instructions and how to register your campsite. Please be mindful of registration closing dates.

In an effort to assure that as many groups can camp together in their chosen location, we have a group camping registration process, available from our Camping Page. Please refer to our Camping Page for more campsite instructions and how to register your campsite. Please be mindful of registration closing dates.

You do not need to register your campsite, however people that have not registered a site, will be directed to the next available campsite location by traffic staff. We recommend that groups that have not registered a campsite turn arrive together, to assure they are able to camp together.

The most northern section of the camping area is reserved for families with children. We also designate this area as a strict quiet camping areas, where patrons are required to keep noise to a minimum during quiet times.

We recommend that groups of families (10 adults or over) register their group to assure they can camp together. Please refer to our Camping Page for details on how to register.

Event staff will reserve enough space within the family camping area to assure all families have the option to camp in this location. Event staff will utilise the children’s tickets booked through the website to assure suitable space is reserved. Please assure all kids have a free children’s’ ticket purchased with your adult tickets.

Caravans are permitted onsite. However, there are no grey water dumping facilities onsite and campsite are unpowered. If you have caravan or a trailer you will need to purchase the appropriate vehicle pass, based on the combined length of your vehicle and trailer.

Generators are not permitted in the camping area. Camping will be tight and generators will be disruptive to your neighbours, not just with noise, but also with fumes.

There will be no accommodation to hire/rent onsite. You will need to bring whatever camping equipment you need to be comfortable for the duration of the festival.

Small sound systems for person use at your campsite (such as a portable bluetooth speaker) are permitted, however amplified sound in the camping area will not be allowed. Having amplified sound in the camping area will be disruptive to other campers seeking quiet or trying to rest. We will have four amazing stages of music in operation throughout the event. We recommend you stick to these areas if you what to dance to loud music.

You are permitted to bring your own food to the event. However, there will be serval delicious food vendors at the event providing a variety of options. Due to safety concerns we will not be allowing open flame cookers in the camping area. Gas cookers found by festival staff may be confiscated, which will require you to retrieve it from Blossom HQ before you leave the event. Special consideration may be given on a case by case basis for cookers fixed into vehicles, campervans and caravans, however your gas bottle may be confiscated and need to be retrieved at the end of the event.

We commonly get questions about how food can be prepared at the event, however unfortunately it is a condition of our event safety policy, that cooking in the campsite is strictly prohibited. Patrons are encouraged to come stocked with enough dry food and snacks (nut bars are great) to sustain themselves throughout the event. Great ideas include sandwiches and wraps with your favourite choice of cold meat and or vegetables and salads. Premade pasta which is still delicious when cold, or ingredients for cheese platters, which is tasty with a cup of wine (remember to leave your glass at home though).

Where the above suggestions do not suit your fancy, we can highly recommend a visit to our food vendors which have all your dietary requirements covered.

You are permitted to bring a reasonable amount of alcohol with you to the event. Alcohol shall be limited to one carton of beer or 700ml bottle of spirits (or equivalent amounts of other forms of alcohol) per person. Excessive alcohol may be confiscated at the gate and you will be required to pick it up at the end of the event.

As an active member of our community it is our expectation that you are responsible with your alcohol consumption. Look out for yourself and your friends. Glass is strictly forbidden from the site. Make sure you transfer all you alcohol from glass bottles into different containers before entering the festival site. All glass found by security will be confiscated and will need to be collected at the end of the event.

We ask that all attendees drive safe and do not drive under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Plan your journey, assure your are well rested before driving or arrange a designated driver. Abstain from drinking alcohol during the day/night before you drive home.

There will be no glass allowed to enter the festival site. This is to show respect for the land and the use of the property outside of the festival. Broken glass can shatter and cause injury and damage to property.

In the interest of public safety you will not be permitted to make your own fires. Burn barrels and firewood found by event staff will be confiscated. Anyone found lighting fires will be ejected from the event and may be referred to police should event staff deem necessary.

Blossom Festival is held on a farm property which as angulating and uneven ground in places. However, the festival has a compacted perimeter road that is generally assessable to mobility impaired patrons, providing access to all areas of the festival.

There will also be an accessible toilet restricted to the people that need it. This will be shown on the event map.

We encourage all patrons with accessibility requirements to contact us pre event on info@blossomfestival.com.au and we can arrange a reserved accessible camping area close to the toilet.

Blossom Festival accepts Companion Cards, for instructions on how you can access a free ticket for your companion, please refer to the ticketing FAQs below.


Our festival is based on our four core values of Respect, Love, Interaction and Creativity. For more information on our core values, please refer to Our Values page

Our festival is based on our four core values of Respect, Love, Interaction and Creativity. For more information on our core values, please refer to Our Values page.

We have been working with Police in order to bring you a safe event. Police may be on patrol throughout the festival and through the festival grounds. It is the responsibility of all festival goers to abide by the law. Attendees shall anticipate Police running normal Police operations such as highway patrols and random breath/drug testing. We ask that all attendees drive safe and do not drive under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Plan your journey, assure you are well rested before driving or arrange a designated driver, abstain from drinking alcohol during the day/night before you drive home.

First Aid will be available onsite at our first aid station. Refer to the event map, released closer to the date of the festival, for the location of the First Aid station. It is always recommended that you bring your own first aid kit in case of minor injury. Being self sufficient in your personal first aid frees our resources for managing more serious incidents should they occur.

There will be no ATMs onsite. It is recommended to bring all the cash you require for the weekend. This includes purchasing food from our food vendors and buying items from the market stalls. Although most of our vendors will have card facilities not all of them do, and internet connection can drop out from time to time, so cash is always handy.

Pets will not be permitted at the festival. Seeing eye dogs will be allowed at the event where reasonable proof that your dog is a genuine service dog can be provided to event staff. Please contact info@blossomfestival.com.au if you intend to bring a service dog with you.

We strongly encourage participation from our community in all forms. There are several official means to participate at our event. More information is available through our Participation page. Please be mindful of application dates as these may change due to the number of applications submitted. Please also be aware that not everyone who applies will be selected to participate in an official capacity, however, we still encourage you to bring what you can to the event and participate in your best way possible. As our event grows there will be many more opportunities in the future.

All of our participation applications are very highly contested and we always have a very high number of quality applications to choose from. Much more than what the festival can cater for. As a result, we will honour the application process. So generally if you miss the deadline for an application, we will not be able to consider you for that years event and we encourage you to apply for next year. In some unique circumstances if we have not been able to gain the coverage we are looking for through the initial application process, we may reopen the public applications, or may accept a late entry, however in these circumstances we will get in touch with you after we have assessed all the applications. 

Mobile phone reception onsite can be patchy, we suggest you prepare to have poor to no signal during the event. Make sure you let your friends and family know where you will be for the duration you are at the festival. In the case of emergency, please see event staff who are wearing the official event staff clothing or head to our information station (Blossom HQ), which will be identified on the event map provided closer to the event.

Passouts will be permitted throughout the event. Patrons may be searched again on entry should event staff deem necessary. Passouts will be permitted in accordance with our gate operation times, as described in above on the Gate Open / Close Hours tab.

Movement of vehicles onsite is not permitted. If you are found moving your vehicle through the festival grounds you will be stopped immediately by festival staff. Vehicles movements shall only be permitted on arrival to your campsite and on departure. During these time vehicles shall remain on the designated roads and drivers shall follow all instructions from events staff.

All vehicles onsite must have a valid Vehicle Pass prior to entering the festival. Vehicle Passes will be exchanged for a sticker or card (or similar identification) at the gate and are required to be visibly displayed through the front windscreen of the vehicle of which the pass belongs to. You only require one vehicle pass per vehicle, regardless of how many people arrive in that vehicle.


You will need to select the correct vehicle pass based on the type of vehicle and/or trailer combination you have. There are three categories to choose from. For single vehicles that aren’t towing and are less than 5m long, a standard vehicle pass is what you require. If you are towing a trailer or caravan or if your vehicle is over 5m long, you will need to select the correct vehicle pass based on the total length of the combination of your vehicle and trailer.  

Returning attendees will note that vehicle passes policy has changed this year, with an additional category for larger vehicles/caravans/camper trailers.

Vehicle passes are one of the most effective way to minimise vehicles onsite which can assure we are able to continue to run a safe event into the future, if you would like to understand more about vehicle passes, refer to our further FAQ below.

You do not need to purchase a vehicle pass right away. If you are unsure as to how you will be getting to the event, then wait until you know what you are doing. Vehicle passes can be purchased right up until you arrive or with cash at the gate.

There is to be no professional photography or video to be taken by patrons during the event unless written authorisation has been received by Blossom Festival. Any professional photography or videos captured during the event shall become the property of Blossom Festival. By entering the event you consent to allowing the use of your image by Blossom Festival for promotional purposes.

Once you enter the gates at Blossom Festival everything including all workshops and presentations is included in your ticket price. You will however need to bring enough cash to purchase food from our vendors or to buy anything from the market stalls.

Your regular ticket does not include a Vehicle Pass and a Vehicle Pass must be purchased separately. See the Vehicles Onsite & Vehicle Passes section of our FAQs for more details.

We are very proud of our Blossom Rangers. The Ranger system is based around the tried and tested systems used on Black Rock City (ie Burning Man). Blossom Rangers are members of our community, just like you, who volunteer their time to patrol the festival looking out for your safety and are able to assist in any issues which you may have. Blossom Rangers are friendly, approachable and always up for a chat. We encourage you to seek assistance from Blossom Rangers in the first instance, they are trained to deal with pretty much everything that could get thrown their way or can help you gain the professional assistance you need.

Blossom Festival is family-friendly, however, we advise that all children under the age of 18 must be strictly supervised by their parents or guardians at all times. Parents and guardians shall consider the risks which are present at the event, mainly loud music and the onsite dam before making the decision to bring their children to the event.

Any children caught underage drinking will be returned to their parents and the family will be asked to leave immediately.

All children 12 years old and under will require a “Kids Ticket” which is available from our ticketing provider at no cost.

All children over the age of 12 will require a full priced adult ticket.

Tickets are only available for sale through our website.

There are multiple tiers of tickets, Super Early Bloomer, Early Bloomer, General Releases and Final Release. Super Early Bloomer and Early Bloomer tickets are strictly limited, so it is recommended to purchase these early to save some money.

If the event does not reach capacity, single day tickets for Sunday only may become available, otherwise tickets will be for the entire festival. There are no single day tickets for Friday or Saturday.

All children 12 years old and under will require a “Kids Ticket” which is available from our ticketing provider, at no charge.

All children over the age of 12 will require a full priced ticket

Your regular ticket does not include a Vehicle Pass and a Vehicle Pass must be purchased separately. See the Vehicles Onsite section for more details.

All ticketing enquiries shall be directed to tickets@blossomfestival.com.au

Tickets will be available at the gate, unless the event reaches capacity. Please keep an eye on the Facebook event page and this FAQ page for information regarding ticket availability on the gate. Gate sales will only accept cash, so please be sure to bring enough cash with you.

Scamming and fake ticket sales has become a significant risk for events in recent times, with online bots and scamming networks becoming more sophisticated, buying and transferring tickets has become a real problem. There is nothing that breaks our hearts more than seeing someone arrive at the gate with a fake ticket they have paid for with their hard earned money.

In order to combat this issue, all resales and transfers of tickets must be done through our ticketing provider Humanitix’s resale function which provides a safe and user friendly way to transfer tickets, assuring that the tickets are legitimate and to limit tickets being sold overpriced. If you are wanting to transfer your ticket directly to someone you know, you can list your ticket as private and send them a direct link.

To list your tickets for sale, or to buy resale tickets please visit our official Humanitix resale page at:


To list your ticket for resale, log into Humantix and access this function through your bookings.

Note: we no longer support Tixel for resales. For 2024, we will honour Tixel resales, however moving forward we intend to phase this out.

The name on your ticket must match your photo ID and will be checked at the gate. You may be refused entry if the name on your ticket does not match your ID.

This is a good question. Here at Blossom HQ we always try to keep our ticket price to a minimum whilst doing our best to give you the most amazing festival experience that WA has to offer. Unfortunately, we are not immune to the unprecedented rise in costs experienced in all industries across the State. We have seen a 30-40% increase in organisational costs such as fuel, equipment hire, security and pretty much everything else, so unfortunately our ticket prices need to reflect to cost of running the event.

In order to make the highway at the turn off to the event safe for you and the general public, we are required to implement safety measures and slow down the speed with event signage. Over the past few years the requirements at the time allowed us to manage a lot of the traffic management ourselves, however as the event grows we have seen a very large increase to our traffic management costs for implementing these safety measures on the highway. The cost of your vehicle pass is there to cover these safety requirements with a direct correlation to the number of vehicles arriving at the festival.

On a more positive note, vehicle passes have been proven across almost every major festival in the eastern states to minimise the number of vehicle’s travelling to the event, which means less emissions and more comfortable and spacious camping arrangements.

You do not need to purchase a vehicle pass right away. If you are unsure as to how you will be getting to the event, then wait until you know what you are doing. Vehicle passes can be purchased right up until you arrive or with cash at the gate. If you are car pooling share the cost of the vehicle pass with the people in your car, or if your mates get a lift with you and you already have a pass, get them to wait on you hand and foot all festival long as repayment for your generosity.

Blossom Festival offer free tickets for companions of people with disabilities. In order to access a free Companion Ticket, the patron must first purchase their own ticket and contact us at tickets@blossomfestival.com.au with their name and order number, as well as providing proof of a Companion Card. Following, review of your submission, a link to procure your free Companion Ticket will be sent through. Please make sure you return to our ticket page to procure your Companion Ticket before the event. The name on the patron’s ticket must match the name on the Companion Card and that the Companion Ticket must be in the name of your support person.

The support person must arrive with you and have ID matching their Companion Ticket. You may also be required to show your Companion Card at the gate to validate the Companion Ticket.

Licensed security and crowd control are present at the event to help keep you safe. We ask that all attendees follow the directions of security and crowd control.

Portable toilets are provided at the Event.

By purchasing a ticket to the festival you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. Please follow this link to find our complete Terms and Conditions. These conditions are also available through the ticketing website when purchasing tickets.

The risk of COVID-19 in our community has reduced from the peak of the infection period, however the risk of infection and illness is still present.

We ask that all patrons follow health and safety best practices to keep themself and other members of the community safe, which includes sanitation practices, social distancing and in some cases wearing masks. If you are feeling unwell, please do not attend the event.

All ticket holders shall be aware that the government directions regarding COVID-19 or any other infectious disease may change from the time of purchasing your ticket and the time of the event. Blossom Festival will be bound by all government directions which may affect our ability to run the event as planned or may affect your ability to attend depending on your circumstances.

We ask at all times that our patrons follow the most current government directions and health advice.

If your question has not been answered here, please go to our Contact Us tab and send us your questions. Please be patient and we will endeavour to respond to you as soon as we can.